Save and Restore Tensorflow Model to Continue Training


  1. Save and restore checkpoint file
  2. Visualize pre-trained neural network graph from file

    2.1 Load from checkpoint file

    2.2 Load from protobuf file


  • Tensorflow tutorial

  • Turotial about saving/restoring

  • A really nice jupyter notebook for loading and visualization
  • Another save/restore example

1. Save and restore checkpoint file

After training your model, it would be a good idea to save your current model for the future. Or, you might start from a pre-trained model and fine-tuned it. Let's start with the regression model we have seen before. This is basically the same piece of code in the regression note.

                          import              tensorflow              as              tf              import              numpy              as              np              # number of data samples              N              =              100              true_alpha              =              0.3              true_beta              =              0.1              # for reproducing results              np              .              random              .              seed              (              1234              )              tf              .              set_random_seed              (              1234              )              # create data for Y = 0.1X + 0.3              x_data              =              np              .              random              .              rand              (              N              )              y_data              =              x_data              *              true_beta              +              true_alpha              # declare variables              alpha              =              tf              .              Variable              (              tf              .              zeros              ([              1              ]),              name              =              "alpha"              )              beta              =              tf              .              Variable              (              tf              .              random_uniform              ([              1              ],              -              1.0              ,              1.0              ),              name              =              "beta"              )              # relation between input and output              y_hat              =              x_data              *              beta              +              alpha              # loss function              loss              =              tf              .              reduce_mean              (              tf              .              square              (              y_hat              -              y_data              ))              # create optimizer, set step size to be 0.5              optimizer              =              tf              .              train              .              GradientDescentOptimizer              (              0.5              )              # The object fuction is to minimize the mean squared loss              obj              =              optimizer              .              minimize              (              loss              )              # initializer              init              =              tf              .              global_variables_initializer              ()                      

Before running the training step, we use tf.train.Saver() to manage the saving task. The next step is to train our model, as we have done before. The only difference here is that the total training step is changed from 201 to 25 so as to demonstrate how do we restore from a pre-trained model and continue training.

                          # declare saver              saver              =              tf              .              train              .              Saver              ()              # create and run session              with              tf              .              Session              ()              as              sess              :              sess              .              run              (              init              )              for              step              in              range              (              25              ):              sess              .              run              (              obj              )              print              (              "Step:              %              d, alpha:              %              f, beta:              %              f"              %              (              step              ,              sess              .              run              (              alpha              ),              sess              .              run              (              beta              )))              # Save the variable              save_path              =              saver              .              save              (              sess              ,              "model/regressionModel.ckpt"              )              print              (              "Model saved in file:                            %              s"              %              save_path              )                      
            Step:0, alpha:0.043902, beta:0.578978 Step:1, alpha:0.051716, beta:0.546352 Step:2, alpha:0.068628, beta:0.520940 Step:3, alpha:0.081800, beta:0.495535 Step:4, alpha:0.094969, beta:0.472074 Step:5, alpha:0.107131, beta:0.449887 Step:6, alpha:0.118632, beta:0.429057 Step:7, alpha:0.129429, beta:0.409457 Step:8, alpha:0.139589, beta:0.391027 Step:9, alpha:0.149142, beta:0.373694 Step:10, alpha:0.158127, beta:0.357394 Step:11, alpha:0.166576, beta:0.342064 Step:12, alpha:0.174523, beta:0.327648 Step:13, alpha:0.181996, beta:0.314090 Step:14, alpha:0.189024, beta:0.301339 Step:15, alpha:0.195633, beta:0.289348 Step:16, alpha:0.201849, beta:0.278071 Step:17, alpha:0.207695, beta:0.267466 Step:18, alpha:0.213192, beta:0.257492 Step:19, alpha:0.218362, beta:0.248112 Step:20, alpha:0.223224, beta:0.239291 Step:21, alpha:0.227797, beta:0.230995 Step:22, alpha:0.232097, beta:0.223194 Step:23, alpha:0.236141, beta:0.215857 Step:24, alpha:0.239944, beta:0.208957 Model saved in file: model/regressionModel.ckpt                      

After 25 training steps, we save the current training results to the file regressionModel.ckpt (ckpt stands for checkpoint) under model folder.

Let's say you start to train the model before you sleep and then you wake up and see the output information. The estimation of $\alpha$, $\beta$ are 0.2140 and 0.2675 respectively, which may not be good enough. Fortunately, you save the variables, all you have to do is restore these variables and train the model based on the current results you have.

First we reset everything to make sure that restoring works properly. We would also generate a new set of training data just to mimic the situation that you want to further fine tune your model with the newly acquired dataset.

            Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y                      

Check if variables exist.

                          if              "alpha"              in              locals              ():              print              (              "alpha exists"              )              else              :              print              (              "alpha does not exist"              )              if              "beta"              in              locals              ():              print              (              "beta exists"              )              else              :              print              (              "beta does not exist"              )                      
            alpha does not exist beta does not exist                      

Actually, everything disappears after we reset the notebook. Thus, we have to redefine the neural network and other things.

                          import              tensorflow              as              tf              import              numpy              as              np              # reset the tensorflow to the default graph              # this could solve some issues              tf              .              reset_default_graph              ()              ###### Create a new dataset using Y = 0.1X + 0.3     ######              ###### We will pretend this as newly acquired data   ######              # number of data samples              N              =              100              true_alpha              =              0.3              true_beta              =              0.1              # for reproducing results              np              .              random              .              seed              (              1234              )              tf              .              set_random_seed              (              1234              )              x_data              =              np              .              random              .              rand              (              N              )              y_data              =              x_data              *              true_beta              +              true_alpha                      

The next thing we want to do is to restore the model.

                          # declare the variables we want to restore              alpha              =              tf              .              get_variable              (              "alpha"              ,              [              1              ])              beta              =              tf              .              get_variable              (              "beta"              ,              [              1              ])                      

Note the here we declare alpha and beta using tf.get_variable. The is different from the previous code. We use tf.get_variable to create a containiner for restoring variables.

                          # relation between input and output              y_hat              =              x_data              *              beta              +              alpha              # loss function              loss              =              tf              .              reduce_mean              (              tf              .              square              (              y_hat              -              y_data              ))              # create optimizer, set step size to be 0.5              optimizer              =              tf              .              train              .              GradientDescentOptimizer              (              0.5              )              # The object fuction is to minimize the mean squared loss              obj              =              optimizer              .              minimize              (              loss              )              # saver              saver              =              tf              .              train              .              Saver              ()              with              tf              .              Session              ()              as              sess              :              saver              .              restore              (              sess              ,              "model/regressionModel.ckpt"              )              print              (              "Restored alpha:                            %              s, beta:                            %              s"              %              (              alpha              .              eval              (),              beta              .              eval              ())              )              for              step              in              range              (              51              ):              sess              .              run              (              obj              )              if              step              %              10              ==              0              :              print              (              "Step:              %              d, alpha:              %              f, beta:              %              f"              %              (              step              ,              sess              .              run              (              alpha              ),              sess              .              run              (              beta              )))                      
            INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from model/regressionModel.ckpt Restored alpha: [ 0.23994417], beta: [ 0.20895666] Step:0, alpha:0.243521, beta:0.202468 Step:10, alpha:0.269436, beta:0.155451 Step:20, alpha:0.283460, beta:0.130008 Step:30, alpha:0.291049, beta:0.116239 Step:40, alpha:0.295156, beta:0.108788 Step:50, alpha:0.297379, beta:0.104756                      

We could check if the restored variable alpha and beta match the previous estimation results. We also see that the second estimated values of alpha and beta are closer to the true value after 50 more training steps.

2. Visualize pre-trained network graph from file

Now consider another situation. Suppose we download a pre-trained model from some resources and we want to use it on our own dataset. Before restoring it, there are several things we might have interests:

  • How does the network look like?

  • What are the variables and their names?

  • What are the inputs and outputs?

The good news is, we could use tensorboard to visualize the network. The bad news is, there are different ways to save and load the tensorflow graph (source).

  1. Load from a checkpoint file, as we obtained previously.
  2. Load from a .pb (protocol buffers) file.
  3. Load from models created by TF-Slim

In this note, I would show how to use the checkpoint and the .pb file. TF-Slim is a powerful and convenient library for handling complicated network models. However, it requires more understanding about its structure and we would discuss it in the later note.

Before we start, we need some useful functions. These functions come from here, which embeds tensorboard into jupyter notebook nicely so that you don't have to open another tab in the browser like we did before.

                          from              IPython.display              import              HTML              # Helper functions for TF Graph visualization              def              strip_consts              (              graph_def              ,              max_const_size              =              32              ):              """Strip large constant values from graph_def."""              strip_def              =              tf              .              GraphDef              ()              for              n0              in              graph_def              .              node              :              n              =              strip_def              .              node              .              add              ()              n              .              MergeFrom              (              n0              )              if              n              .              op              ==              'Const'              :              tensor              =              n              .              attr              [              'value'              ]              .              tensor              size              =              len              (              tensor              .              tensor_content              )              if              size              >              max_const_size              :              tensor              .              tensor_content              =              tf              .              compat              .              as_bytes              (              "<stripped                            %              d bytes>"              %              size              )              return              strip_def              def              rename_nodes              (              graph_def              ,              rename_func              ):              res_def              =              tf              .              GraphDef              ()              for              n0              in              graph_def              .              node              :              n              =              res_def              .              node              .              add              ()              n              .              MergeFrom              (              n0              )              n              .              name              =              rename_func              (              n              .              name              )              for              i              ,              s              in              enumerate              (              n              .              input              ):              n              .              input              [              i              ]              =              rename_func              (              s              )              if              s              [              0              ]              !=              '^'              else              '^'              +              rename_func              (              s              [              1              :])              return              res_def              def              show_graph              (              graph_def              ,              max_const_size              =              32              ):              """Visualize TensorFlow graph."""              if              hasattr              (              graph_def              ,              'as_graph_def'              ):              graph_def              =              graph_def              .              as_graph_def              ()              strip_def              =              strip_consts              (              graph_def              ,              max_const_size              =              max_const_size              )              code              =              """         <script>                      function load() {{             document.getElementById("{id}").pbtxt = {data};           }}          </script>         <link rel="import" href="" onload=load()>         <div style="height:600px">           <tf-graph-basic id="{id}"></tf-graph-basic>         </div>     """              .              format              (              data              =              repr              (              str              (              strip_def              )),              id              =              'graph'              +              str              (              np              .              random              .              rand              ()))              iframe              =              """         <iframe seamless style="width:800px;height:620px;border:0" srcdoc="{}"></iframe>     """              .              format              (              code              .              replace              (              '"'              ,              '&quot;'              ))              display              (              HTML              (              iframe              ))                      

2.1 Load from the checkpoint file

When saving the checkpoint file, you might notice that this creates several files. Among them, XXXX.meta stores information of the network graph and we could load the graph through function tf.train.import_meta_graph.

                          tf              .              reset_default_graph              ()              _              =              tf              .              train              .              import_meta_graph              (              "model/regressionModel.ckpt.meta"              )              # we need graph_def for tensorboard to draw the graph              graph_def              =              tf              .              get_default_graph              ()              .              as_graph_def              ()              show_graph              (              graph_def              )                      

You will see something like this:


2.2 Load from the .pb file

See appendix to learn how to save a .pb (or .pbtxt) file. As for loading, the idea is similar to loading the checkpoint file. We first construct an empty GraphDef object and load the graph information into it. Finally, we could visualize the graph using tensorboard.

                          tf              .              reset_default_graph              ()              graph_def              =              tf              .              GraphDef              ()              with              open              (              "model/CNN.pb"              ,              "rb"              )              as              f              :              graph_def              .              ParseFromString              (              f              .              read              ())              show_graph              (              graph_def              )                      

You will see something like this:


Next, we could import the graph using import_graph_def and we could print out all the operations defined in the graph.

                          tf              .              import_graph_def              (              graph_def              )              graph              =              tf              .              get_default_graph              ()              # this prints all the operation names              for              op              in              graph              .              get_operations              ():              print              (              "{} {}"              .              format              (              op              .              name              ,              op              .              type              )              )                      
            import/inputs/x_input Placeholder import/inputs/x_img_input/shape Const import/inputs/x_img_input Reshape import/keep_prob Placeholder import/conv_layer_1/W_conv_1 Const import/conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/read Identity import/conv_layer_1/b_conv_1 Const import/conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/read Identity import/conv_layer_1/conv2d_1 Conv2D import/conv_layer_1/add Add import/ReLu1 Relu import/max_pool_2x2_1 MaxPool import/conv_layer_2/W_conv_2 Const import/conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/read Identity import/conv_layer_2/b_conv_2 Const import/conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/read Identity import/conv_layer_2/conv2d_2 Conv2D import/conv_layer_2/add Add import/ReLU2 Relu import/max_pool_2x2_2 MaxPool import/Reshape/shape Const import/Reshape Reshape import/fc_layer_1/W_fc_1 Const import/fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/read Identity import/fc_layer_1/b_fc_1 Const import/fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/read Identity import/fc_layer_1/MatMul MatMul import/fc_layer_1/add Add import/ReLU3 Relu import/dropout/Shape Shape import/dropout/random_uniform/min Const import/dropout/random_uniform/max Const import/dropout/random_uniform/RandomUniform RandomUniform import/dropout/random_uniform/sub Sub import/dropout/random_uniform/mul Mul import/dropout/random_uniform Add import/dropout/add Add import/dropout/Floor Floor import/dropout/div RealDiv import/dropout/mul Mul import/fc_layer_2/W_fc_2 Const import/fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/read Identity import/fc_layer_2/b_fc_2 Const import/fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/read Identity import/fc_layer_2/MatMul MatMul import/fc_layer_2/logits_output Add import/ArgMax/dimension Const import/ArgMax ArgMax                      

Now, from my understanding, the .pb file aims for production. This indicates that it is designed for conducting prediction and it cannot be fine-tuned.

Thus, let's pretend that we have a new set of data and we would like to evaluate the model on the new dataset. From the graph we know that we are looking for x_input and ArgMax for our inputs and outputs.

                          # pretend we get new data              from              tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist              import              input_data              from              tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util              import              convert_variables_to_constants              mnist              =              input_data              .              read_data_sets              (              "MNIST_data"              ,              one_hot              =              True              )                      
            Extracting MNIST_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz                      
                          x_input              =              graph              .              get_tensor_by_name              (              "import/inputs/x_input:0"              )              ArgMax              =              graph              .              get_tensor_by_name              (              "import/ArgMax:0"              )              keep_prob              =              graph              .              get_tensor_by_name              (              "import/keep_prob:0"              )              y_input              =              tf              .              placeholder              (              tf              .              float32              ,              [              None              ,              10              ],              name              =              "y_input"              )              # calculate prediction accuracy              correct_prediction              =              tf              .              equal              (              ArgMax              ,              tf              .              argmax              (              y_input              ,              1              )              )              accuracy              =              tf              .              reduce_mean              (              tf              .              cast              (              correct_prediction              ,              tf              .              float32              ))              with              tf              .              Session              (              graph              =              graph              )              as              sess              :              batch_img              ,              batch_label              =              mnist              .              train              .              next_batch              (              100              )              print              (              sess              .              run              (              accuracy              ,              feed_dict              =              {              x_input              :              mnist              .              test              .              images              ,              y_input              :              mnist              .              test              .              labels              ,              keep_prob              :              0.5              }))                      

We obtain about 95% accuracy here, which is similar to the training accuracy.

Appendix saving the CNN using .pb file

            Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y                      
                          import              tensorflow              as              tf              from              tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist              import              input_data              from              tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util              import              convert_variables_to_constants              mnist              =              input_data              .              read_data_sets              (              "MNIST_data"              ,              one_hot              =              True              )              def              weight_variable              (              shape              ,              suffix              =              None              ):              initial              =              tf              .              truncated_normal              (              shape              ,              stddev              =              0.1              )              if              suffix              :              name              =              "W"              +              suffix              else              :              name              =              None              return              tf              .              Variable              (              initial              ,              name              =              name              )              def              bias_variable              (              shape              ,              suffix              =              None              ):              initial              =              tf              .              constant              (              0.1              ,              shape              =              shape              )              if              suffix              :              name              =              "b"              +              suffix              else              :              name              =              None              return              tf              .              Variable              (              initial              ,              name              =              name              )              def              conv2d              (              x              ,              W              ,              suffix              =              None              ):              if              suffix              :              name              =              "conv2d"              +              suffix              else              :              name              =              None              return              tf              .              nn              .              conv2d              (              x              ,              W              ,              strides              =              [              1              ,              1              ,              1              ,              1              ],              padding              =              'SAME'              ,              name              =              name              )              def              max_pool_2x2              (              x              ,              suffix              =              None              ):              if              suffix              :              name              =              "max_pool_2x2"              +              suffix              else              :              name              =              None              return              tf              .              nn              .              max_pool              (              x              ,              ksize              =              [              1              ,              2              ,              2              ,              1              ],              strides              =              [              1              ,              2              ,              2              ,              1              ],              padding              =              'SAME'              ,              name              =              name              )              # reset the tensorflow to the default graph              # this could solve some issues              tf              .              reset_default_graph              ()              # input variables              with              tf              .              name_scope              (              "inputs"              ):              x_input              =              tf              .              placeholder              (              tf              .              float32              ,              [              None              ,              784              ],              name              =              "x_input"              )              y_input              =              tf              .              placeholder              (              tf              .              float32              ,              [              None              ,              10              ],              name              =              "y_input"              )              x_img_input              =              tf              .              reshape              (              x_input              ,              [              -              1              ,              28              ,              28              ,              1              ],              name              =              "x_img_input"              )              # dropout setting              keep_prob              =              tf              .              placeholder              (              tf              .              float32              ,              name              =              "keep_prob"              )              # parameters for conv_1              with              tf              .              name_scope              (              "conv_layer_1"              ):              W_conv_1              =              weight_variable              ([              5              ,              5              ,              1              ,              32              ],              suffix              =              "_conv_1"              )              b_conv_1              =              bias_variable              ([              32              ],              suffix              =              "_conv_1"              )              conv_1              =              conv2d              (              x_img_input              ,              W_conv_1              ,              suffix              =              "_1"              )              +              b_conv_1              ReLU_1              =              tf              .              nn              .              relu              (              conv_1              ,              name              =              "ReLu1"              )              pool_1              =              max_pool_2x2              (              ReLU_1              ,              suffix              =              "_1"              )              # parameters for conv_2              with              tf              .              name_scope              (              "conv_layer_2"              ):              W_conv_2              =              weight_variable              ([              5              ,              5              ,              32              ,              64              ],              suffix              =              "_conv_2"              )              b_conv_2              =              bias_variable              ([              64              ],              suffix              =              "_conv_2"              )              conv_2              =              conv2d              (              pool_1              ,              W_conv_2              ,              suffix              =              "_2"              )              +              b_conv_2              ReLU_2              =              tf              .              nn              .              relu              (              conv_2              ,              name              =              "ReLU2"              )              pool_2              =              max_pool_2x2              (              ReLU_2              ,              suffix              =              "_2"              )              reshape              =              tf              .              reshape              (              pool_2              ,              [              -              1              ,              7              *              7              *              64              ])              # parameters for fc_1              with              tf              .              name_scope              (              "fc_layer_1"              ):              W_fc_1              =              weight_variable              ([              7              *              7              *              64              ,              1024              ],              suffix              =              "_fc_1"              )              b_fc_1              =              bias_variable              ([              1024              ],              suffix              =              "_fc_1"              )              fc_1              =              tf              .              matmul              (              reshape              ,              W_fc_1              )              +              b_fc_1              ReLU_3              =              tf              .              nn              .              relu              (              fc_1              ,              name              =              "ReLU3"              )              dropout              =              tf              .              nn              .              dropout              (              ReLU_3              ,              keep_prob              ,              name              =              "dropout"              )              # parameters for fc_2              with              tf              .              name_scope              (              "fc_layer_2"              ):              W_fc_2              =              weight_variable              ([              1024              ,              10              ],              suffix              =              "_fc_2"              )              b_fc_2              =              bias_variable              ([              10              ],              suffix              =              "_fc_2"              )              y_logits              =              tf              .              add              (              tf              .              matmul              (              dropout              ,              W_fc_2              ),              b_fc_2              ,              name              =              "logits_output"              )              # loss              with              tf              .              name_scope              (              "cross_entropy"              ):              cross_entropy              =              tf              .              reduce_mean              (              tf              .              nn              .              softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits              (              labels              =              y_input              ,              logits              =              y_logits              ))              # minimizaer to minimize cross_entropy              obj              =              tf              .              train              .              AdamOptimizer              (              1e-4              )              .              minimize              (              cross_entropy              )              # calculate prediction accuracy              correct_prediction              =              tf              .              equal              (              tf              .              argmax              (              y_logits              ,              1              ),              tf              .              argmax              (              y_input              ,              1              )              )              accuracy              =              tf              .              reduce_mean              (              tf              .              cast              (              correct_prediction              ,              tf              .              float32              ))              graph_def              =              tf              .              get_default_graph              ()              .              as_graph_def              ()              # this one is tricky....              output_node_names              =              "ArgMax"              # start session and run              with              tf              .              Session              ()              as              sess              :              sess              .              run              (              tf              .              global_variables_initializer              ())              for              i              in              range              (              1000              ):              batch_img              ,              batch_label              =              mnist              .              train              .              next_batch              (              100              )              sess              .              run              (              obj              ,              feed_dict              =              {              x_input              :              batch_img              ,              y_input              :              batch_label              ,              keep_prob              :              0.5              }              )              if              i              %              50              ==              0              :              print              (              sess              .              run              (              accuracy              ,              feed_dict              =              {              x_input              :              mnist              .              test              .              images              ,              y_input              :              mnist              .              test              .              labels              ,              keep_prob              :              0.5              }))              # save the model              freeze_model              =              convert_variables_to_constants              (              sess              ,              graph_def              ,              output_node_names              .              split              (              ","              ))              # save in binary format              tf              .              train              .              write_graph              (              freeze_model              ,              "model"              ,              "CNN.pb"              ,              as_text              =              False              )              # save in txt format              tf              .              train              .              write_graph              (              freeze_model              ,              "model"              ,              "CNN.pbtxt"              ,              as_text              =              True              )                      
            Extracting MNIST_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz 0.0949 0.4977 0.7395 0.8148 0.8475 0.87 0.8805 0.9001 0.9032 0.9113 0.915 0.9245 0.9272 0.9346 0.9359 0.939 0.9403 0.9454 0.9457 0.9484 INFO:tensorflow:Froze 8 variables. Converted 8 variables to const ops.                      

We save two kinds of files here. One is .pb file, which uses binary format with smaller file size. The other is .pbtxt file. The file size would be larger but is human-readable.

The .pb file is designed for production. This would exclude some unnecessary meta files. In tensorflow, this is called "freezing". To freeze the model, we have to convert variables to constants. Tensorflow provides an API for doing this. However, there is one tricky part: find out the output_node_names, which depends on your network graph structure. Normally, when doing classification, the output node should be argmax, softmax or something related to these neames.

Here is a useful code to list all of the node names:

                          [              n              .              name              for              n              in              tf              .              get_default_graph              ()              .              as_graph_def              ()              .              node              ]                      
            [u'inputs/x_input',  u'inputs/y_input',  u'inputs/x_img_input/shape',  u'inputs/x_img_input',  u'keep_prob',  u'conv_layer_1/truncated_normal/shape',  u'conv_layer_1/truncated_normal/mean',  u'conv_layer_1/truncated_normal/stddev',  u'conv_layer_1/truncated_normal/TruncatedNormal',  u'conv_layer_1/truncated_normal/mul',  u'conv_layer_1/truncated_normal',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Assign',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/read',  u'conv_layer_1/Const',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Assign',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/read',  u'conv_layer_1/conv2d_1',  u'conv_layer_1/add',  u'ReLu1',  u'max_pool_2x2_1',  u'conv_layer_2/truncated_normal/shape',  u'conv_layer_2/truncated_normal/mean',  u'conv_layer_2/truncated_normal/stddev',  u'conv_layer_2/truncated_normal/TruncatedNormal',  u'conv_layer_2/truncated_normal/mul',  u'conv_layer_2/truncated_normal',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Assign',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/read',  u'conv_layer_2/Const',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Assign',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/read',  u'conv_layer_2/conv2d_2',  u'conv_layer_2/add',  u'ReLU2',  u'max_pool_2x2_2',  u'Reshape/shape',  u'Reshape',  u'fc_layer_1/truncated_normal/shape',  u'fc_layer_1/truncated_normal/mean',  u'fc_layer_1/truncated_normal/stddev',  u'fc_layer_1/truncated_normal/TruncatedNormal',  u'fc_layer_1/truncated_normal/mul',  u'fc_layer_1/truncated_normal',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Assign',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/read',  u'fc_layer_1/Const',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Assign',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/read',  u'fc_layer_1/MatMul',  u'fc_layer_1/add',  u'ReLU3',  u'dropout/Shape',  u'dropout/random_uniform/min',  u'dropout/random_uniform/max',  u'dropout/random_uniform/RandomUniform',  u'dropout/random_uniform/sub',  u'dropout/random_uniform/mul',  u'dropout/random_uniform',  u'dropout/add',  u'dropout/Floor',  u'dropout/div',  u'dropout/mul',  u'fc_layer_2/truncated_normal/shape',  u'fc_layer_2/truncated_normal/mean',  u'fc_layer_2/truncated_normal/stddev',  u'fc_layer_2/truncated_normal/TruncatedNormal',  u'fc_layer_2/truncated_normal/mul',  u'fc_layer_2/truncated_normal',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Assign',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/read',  u'fc_layer_2/Const',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Assign',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/read',  u'fc_layer_2/MatMul',  u'fc_layer_2/logits_output',  u'cross_entropy/Rank',  u'cross_entropy/Shape',  u'cross_entropy/Rank_1',  u'cross_entropy/Shape_1',  u'cross_entropy/Sub/y',  u'cross_entropy/Sub',  u'cross_entropy/Slice/begin',  u'cross_entropy/Slice/size',  u'cross_entropy/Slice',  u'cross_entropy/concat/values_0',  u'cross_entropy/concat/axis',  u'cross_entropy/concat',  u'cross_entropy/Reshape',  u'cross_entropy/Rank_2',  u'cross_entropy/Shape_2',  u'cross_entropy/Sub_1/y',  u'cross_entropy/Sub_1',  u'cross_entropy/Slice_1/begin',  u'cross_entropy/Slice_1/size',  u'cross_entropy/Slice_1',  u'cross_entropy/concat_1/values_0',  u'cross_entropy/concat_1/axis',  u'cross_entropy/concat_1',  u'cross_entropy/Reshape_1',  u'cross_entropy/SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits',  u'cross_entropy/Sub_2/y',  u'cross_entropy/Sub_2',  u'cross_entropy/Slice_2/begin',  u'cross_entropy/Slice_2/size',  u'cross_entropy/Slice_2',  u'cross_entropy/Reshape_2',  u'cross_entropy/Const',  u'cross_entropy/Mean',  u'gradients/Shape',  u'gradients/Const',  u'gradients/Fill',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Reshape/shape',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Tile',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Shape_2',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Const',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Prod',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Const_1',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Prod_1',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Maximum/y',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Maximum',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/floordiv',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/Cast',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Mean_grad/truediv',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Reshape_2_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Reshape_2_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/zeros_like',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits_grad/ExpandDims/dim',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits_grad/ExpandDims',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits_grad/mul',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Reshape_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/cross_entropy/Reshape_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/BroadcastGradientArgs',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/Sum',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/Sum_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/Reshape_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/logits_output_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/MatMul_grad/MatMul',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/MatMul_grad/MatMul_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/MatMul_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/MatMul_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/fc_layer_2/MatMul_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/BroadcastGradientArgs',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/mul',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/Sum',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/mul_1',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/Sum_1',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/Reshape_1',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/dropout/mul_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/BroadcastGradientArgs',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/RealDiv',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/Sum',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/Neg',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/RealDiv_1',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/RealDiv_2',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/mul',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/Sum_1',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/Reshape_1',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/dropout/div_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/ReLU3_grad/ReluGrad',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/BroadcastGradientArgs',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/Sum',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/Sum_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/Reshape_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/add_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/MatMul_grad/MatMul',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/MatMul_grad/MatMul_1',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/MatMul_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/MatMul_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/fc_layer_1/MatMul_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/Reshape_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/Reshape_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/max_pool_2x2_2_grad/MaxPoolGrad',  u'gradients/ReLU2_grad/ReluGrad',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/BroadcastGradientArgs',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/Sum',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/Sum_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/Reshape_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/add_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/conv2d_2_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/conv2d_2_grad/Conv2DBackpropInput',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/conv2d_2_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/conv2d_2_grad/Conv2DBackpropFilter',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/conv2d_2_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/conv2d_2_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/conv_layer_2/conv2d_2_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/max_pool_2x2_1_grad/MaxPoolGrad',  u'gradients/ReLu1_grad/ReluGrad',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/BroadcastGradientArgs',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/Sum',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/Reshape',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/Sum_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/Reshape_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/add_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/conv2d_1_grad/Shape',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/conv2d_1_grad/Conv2DBackpropInput',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/conv2d_1_grad/Shape_1',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/conv2d_1_grad/Conv2DBackpropFilter',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/conv2d_1_grad/tuple/group_deps',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/conv2d_1_grad/tuple/control_dependency',  u'gradients/conv_layer_1/conv2d_1_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1',  u'beta1_power/initial_value',  u'beta1_power',  u'beta1_power/Assign',  u'beta1_power/read',  u'beta2_power/initial_value',  u'beta2_power',  u'beta2_power/Assign',  u'beta2_power/read',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Adam/Initializer/zeros',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Adam',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Adam/Assign',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Adam/read',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Adam_1/Initializer/zeros',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Adam_1',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Adam_1/Assign',  u'conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/Adam_1/read',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Adam/Initializer/zeros',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Adam',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Adam/Assign',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Adam/read',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Adam_1/Initializer/zeros',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Adam_1',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Adam_1/Assign',  u'conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/Adam_1/read',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Adam/Initializer/zeros',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Adam',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Adam/Assign',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Adam/read',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Adam_1/Initializer/zeros',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Adam_1',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Adam_1/Assign',  u'conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/Adam_1/read',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Adam/Initializer/zeros',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Adam',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Adam/Assign',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Adam/read',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Adam_1/Initializer/zeros',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Adam_1',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Adam_1/Assign',  u'conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/Adam_1/read',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Adam/Initializer/zeros',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Adam',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Adam/Assign',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Adam/read',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Adam_1/Initializer/zeros',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Adam_1',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Adam_1/Assign',  u'fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/Adam_1/read',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Adam/Initializer/zeros',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Adam',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Adam/Assign',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Adam/read',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Adam_1/Initializer/zeros',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Adam_1',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Adam_1/Assign',  u'fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/Adam_1/read',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Adam/Initializer/zeros',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Adam',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Adam/Assign',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Adam/read',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Adam_1/Initializer/zeros',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Adam_1',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Adam_1/Assign',  u'fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/Adam_1/read',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Adam/Initializer/zeros',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Adam',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Adam/Assign',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Adam/read',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Adam_1/Initializer/zeros',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Adam_1',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Adam_1/Assign',  u'fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/Adam_1/read',  u'Adam/learning_rate',  u'Adam/beta1',  u'Adam/beta2',  u'Adam/epsilon',  u'Adam/update_conv_layer_1/W_conv_1/ApplyAdam',  u'Adam/update_conv_layer_1/b_conv_1/ApplyAdam',  u'Adam/update_conv_layer_2/W_conv_2/ApplyAdam',  u'Adam/update_conv_layer_2/b_conv_2/ApplyAdam',  u'Adam/update_fc_layer_1/W_fc_1/ApplyAdam',  u'Adam/update_fc_layer_1/b_fc_1/ApplyAdam',  u'Adam/update_fc_layer_2/W_fc_2/ApplyAdam',  u'Adam/update_fc_layer_2/b_fc_2/ApplyAdam',  u'Adam/mul',  u'Adam/Assign',  u'Adam/mul_1',  u'Adam/Assign_1',  u'Adam',  u'ArgMax/dimension',  u'ArgMax',  u'ArgMax_1/dimension',  u'ArgMax_1',  u'Equal',  u'Cast',  u'Const',  u'Mean',  u'init']              


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